Scenography for Gulliver XL, a child’s revolution
February 27, 2019
For Gulliver XL, a dance performance with children from five Amsterdam schools, I collaborated with choreographer Susanne Marx to create the set-design.
Gulliver XL, a child’s revolution is made by children from five Amsterdam primary schools and choreographer Susanne Marx. Together, they dance, tell and fantasize how their own neighborhood might look like in an ideal world.
Date: February 27th 2019
Time: 19:00
Location: ITA (Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam)
Photography: Bas de Brouwer

BLINK..and sync @ come together#4
January 25, 2019
“NOW” (Ivo Bol, Marion Tränkle, Roos van Berkel) present the EEG performance “BLINK …and sync” at the forth edition of the dance and performance event Come Together in Amsterdam.
BLINK..and sync is a performance using eye blinking as a performative tool. It is a part of our research into rhythms and patterns of our body and brain, and conscious and unconscious blinking as indicators of states of mind and different moods. We will perform an experimental score for three people that generates blink instructions with different rhythms and chance variations. The blinks are captured with EEG and translated into a musical piece for light and sound, using the body as the intermediate between two different systems: the score and the performance environment.
COME TOGETHER is a manifesto and a celebration of the many contemporary makers in Amsterdam and a call to come together and work together. During the three festival days, performance makers share insights, develop thought, meet colleagues and present their ideas to the public.
See the entire program of the evening and performance times here.
Date: January 25th 2019
Time: We are performing three times during the evening @ 19:40, 20:45, 21:10
Location: Frascati 4, Nes 63 1012 KD Amsterdam

SEE ME NOW? @ Panopticum and former prison in Haarlem – Architectural Healing,
November 9, 2018
Ivo Bol and I made a performance with sound, light and movement in a special location: The cupola and former prison in the city center of Haarlem. The project is part of the art manifestation “Architectural Healing”, organized by Cityscape Foundation.
SEE ME NOW ? is a live performance where the audience can experience the architecture and history of the building. With light and sound Bol and Tränkle open up the space and give voice to the personal stories related to this place. The cupola is based on the idea of the Panopticum, conceived in the 18th century by Jeremy Bentham, as an architecture for perfect control. “A cruel, ingenious cage” according to the philosopher Foucault.
Tränkle and Bol relate to this monumental architecture with a composition specially made with and for the building. The relation between the domes centrally organized surveillance functionality and the surrounding 224 cells distributed over 4 floors are revisited and reinterpreted by use of sound, light and movement. Rhythms, synchronous movement, relations and black-outs: continuously changing and emergent patterns created by people and their history with the building. Everyone is free to rediscover the space, there is no audience seating. By moving through the cupola, spatial and emotional experiences changes and transform the dome by our own ears and eyes.
soundcomposition: Ivo Bol
lightcomposition: Marion Tränkle
voice: Florian de Backere
performance: Roos van Berkel, Maria Ines Villasmil en Suzana Gomes, Cindy Brussel-Bieneman, Annemarie Libbers, Maartje Douwes
sound technician: Cesco van de Zwaag
developed in collaboration with Stichting Panopticon and Cityscape Foundation
The project has been made possible with the support of The Performing Arts Fund NL and creative industries fund nl.
Event: Open de Koepel – Architectural Healing
Date: November 9, 2018, starting time 21:00
Location: De Koepel, Harmejansweg 1, Haarlem
More information and tickets

BLINK..and sync @ Electronic Extravaganza Festival 2018
October 11, 2018
The Performance collective “NOW” (Ivo Bol, Marion Tränkle, Roos van Berkel) presents new work, the EEG performance “BLINK …and sync” at Electronic Extravaganza Festival 2018 .
BLINK … and sync: We are currently experimenting with conscious and unconscious blinking as indicators of states of
mind and different moods. “BLINK… and sync” uses eye blinking as a performative tool. We will perform an experimental score for
three people that generates blink instructions with different rhythms and chance variations. The blinks are captured with EEG sensors and translated live into a musical piece for light and sound.
Performance collective “NOW“: Ivo Bol, Marion Tränkle, Roos van Berkel
Blink …and sync is part of Electronic Extravaganza – a cutting edge festival for border crossing electronic music exploring genres such as dance, ambient, pop, noise, DIY, installation art and contemporary composed music.
Organized by Steim and the composer/performer collective Monoták
See the entire program of the evening here.
Date: October 11th 2018, starting time 19:00
Location: Splendor, Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 116, 1011 LX, Amsterdam (behind Waterloo Square).

Open call: workshop “What-if-then” @ WE LIVE HERE Amsterdam
July 9-13, 2018
At this year’s WE LIVE HERE Summer Academy in Amsterdam Orion Maxted and I will lead the lab , What-If-Then were we research how technology and the combination of simple rules can build complex participatory performance strategies. If you are interested to participate apply before 24 June 2018.
What-If-Then is devised by theatre maker Orion Maxted and media artist Marion Tränkle. What-If-Then brings together practitioners from the performing arts, complexity science, and computer programming to work together based on the most elemental rule of computing: If-Then. In both natural and human-made systems we observe that, when several If-Then rules are combined, it can result in emergence. A famous example is the murmuration of starlings whose complex swarming patterns are thought to derive from the combination of three simple rules. We want to explore the combining of rules for building participatory performance strategies and explore the conditions under which simplicity tips into emergence.
The lab take place from 9 – 13 July 2018 in Amsterdam and is hosted by BAU Platform for Dance and Performance and Nicole Beutler.
Location: BAU Studio’s Entrepotdok and Dokzaal Plantage Doklaan 8, Amsterdam
See here for a detailed workshop description and information of how to apply.