

At this year’s WE LIVE HERE Summer Academy in Amsterdam Orion Maxted and I will lead the lab What-If-Then.

What-If-Then aims to create and explore a shared playing-field of research, collaboration and conversation bringing together practitioners from performance, dance, complexity science, and computing.

Workshop Description:

If complexity can be defined as – the appearance of spontaneous of order resulting from the interaction of a large number of relatively autonomous ‘agents’ each of which following a simple set of rules – then to take a ‘complex approach’ is to start from simple rules, and to see under what conditions a simplicity tips into complexity.

We propose to start this collective workshop from the some of the most elemental rules of computing and systems: if-then – also known as “conditionals” or “conditionaction rules”.

Together, we will explore collective compositions / performances based on if-then rules. How far can we get from these finite, yet potentially infinite, rule structures in four days of collaboration?


Download the OPEN CALL We Live Here Summer Academy 2018

We invite professional theatre makers, composers, musicians, performers, creative coders, researchers, thinkers and dramaturges. We ask participants for a modest contribution of €150 which covers lunch, dinner and tickets. To apply for “What-If-then”, please send an email including a short biography and written motivation to Justa Ter Haar at before 24 June 2018.


9 – 13 July 2018


Hosted by:

Nicole Beutler and BAU Platform for Dance and Performance.


BAU Studio’s, Entrepotdok 4 Amsterdam
Dokzaal, Plantage Doklaan 8, Amsterdam
Language employed: English